Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blog Goals

I've just joined the psychology blogging community, and I wanted to have a place to post my own thoughts on what is hot in psychology research, cutting-edge therapy, and other relevant topics. My primary interest is the intersection of psychology and technology, but this blog will cover a variety of topics. I'd love your feedback, so please shoot me an e-mail if you're so inclined.

I got hooked on psych tech applications as an undergraduate researcher for Dr. Stacy Williams of the VICSR, the Virtual Immersion Center for Simulation Research, at Case Western Reserve University, where I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology (minors in Biology and Chemistry).

Since then, I've been extremely interested in the uses of new technology for clinical interventions. I don't have an advanced or professional degree, and I won't attempt to give out any advice. This blog is all about publicizing new ideas and discussing them openly and critically.

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